Shroom - Single
Information below compiled by Goldenstar Sands:
Single, Double and Fairy Shrooms are all the same plant and switching between them is as easy as updating them with their appropriate updaters.
RACIAL TYPES: Caat -> Daat -> Haat -> Laat -> Ceet -> Deet -> Cuut -> Duut
Caat (M+0/L+0)
Daat M+0/L+1)
Haat (M+2/L+0)
Laat M+0/L+2)
Ceet (M+3/L+1)
Deet (M+1/L+3)
Cuut (M+4/L+2 )
Duut (M+2/L+4)
RADIANCES: Normal -> Dull -> Pale -> Soft -> Strong -> Bright -> Intense -> Radiant -> Dazzling -> Luminous
SIZES: Baby -> Dwarf -> Diminutive -> Tiny -> Small -> Medium -> Large -> Giant -> Enormous -> Colossal -> Titanic
BODY Mutations
"Eternal", "Glowing", "Shiny", "Albino", "Dark", "Tintable", "Energized"
"Energized" Unlocks: "Lunar" and "Solar"
Seasonal: None
CAP Mutations
"Midnight", "Dusk", "Dawn", "Sunset", "Gemstone"
"RainbowA" through "RainbowG"
Seasonal: None
PARTICLE Mutations
All of the usual plant particle mutations Pre v18
Seasonal: None
Note: Gemstone, Sakura, Leaves and Blizzard are starter exclusives (to be patched in future update)
Notecard Update:
Confirmed Shroom traits with Butterfly, and updated the list accordingly