{Papillon} Breedable Plant Details
Papillon Breedable is about fun and experiments, don't stress yourself over numbers.. Breed, enjoy share your experiment with the community and learn through auctions. You will never master papillon as it is a daily surprises and updates and new stuff. It a world inside multi world of beautiful plants and pets. Pick what fell right for you from plants or pets, breed them, experiment on adding body, effect, mutation, wings and enjoy the outcome.
Plants :-
R A C I A L - T Y P E S (From most common, to most rare)
Maat -> Naat -> Paat -> Qaat -> Meet -> Neet -> Muut -> Nuut
Mushrooms (Fairy, Single, Double)
Caat -> Daat -> Haat -> Laat -> Ceet -> Deet -> Cuut -> Duut
Calla Lilies
Oob _> Ooc _> Eeq ->Eep -> Aal -> Aak -> Uuz -> Uuy
Oos -> Oom -> Eet -> Ees -> Aan -> Aaz -> Uut -> Uum
Orchids/Roses/ Blossoms
Ooh -> Oor -> Eeh -> Eer -> Aah -> Aar -> Uuh -> Uur
Crystal /Daisy/ Sand Dollar/ Sunflowers/Alien Flower
Oos -> Oom -> Eet -> Ees -> Aan -> Aaz -> Uut -> Uum
Bea -> Uti -> Ful -> Mar -> Vel -> Ous -> Bon -> Sai
And just what is the difference between all of these racial types, you ask? Aside from a few simple cosmetic differences, the most important effect is their rarity bonuses. Each racial type has a different innate bonus that stacks with the other bonus that they receive. A rarer racial type will always have better overall bonuses than a more common racial type. The most common begin with a +0 M+/L+, whereas the most rare have as high as +4 to +5 to their innate bonuses.
An Uum will always breed better than an Oos, for just that reason. The difference may not be a large one, compared to tier-bonuses and your garden's effects, but the bonus is there none-the-less.
Common Radiances: Normal, Dull, Pale, Soft
Uncommon Radiances: Strong, Bright
Rare Radiances: Intense, Radiant
Very Rare Radiances: Dazzling, Luminous
A plant's radiance plays a strong role in its point-value for purposes of converting it into rewards points, and also plays a very important factor in vegetable and fruit nutritional value.
Common Sizes: Diminutive, Tiny, Small
Uncommon Sizes: Medium, Large
Rare Sizes: Giant, Enormous
Very Rare Sizes: Grandiose, Colossal
Mutation-Only Sizes: Dwarf
Full-Mutation only Sizes: Titanic, Mondo, and Grand!
A plant's size category plays a small role in its point-value for purposes of converting it into rewards points, and also affects how many overall resources the plant can hold within it. These resources can be used as food for your pets, and slowly regenerate over time if nothing is nibbling on them. A very large plant will always have more resources than a small plant wound.
There's a billion colors, a couple dozen moodsets that affect the plant's performance, about a dozen petal mutations at current, a handful of stem mutations, and many, many, many particle mutations =)
Enclosed below is a Q&A that I did with one of the breedables blogs =) It may answer a few of your questions.
We've had "patches" for our gardens for some time that we could grow and tend to, but there are "breedable plants" coming soon, which can *also* be a food source; am I understanding that correctly?
Yes indeed. They'll be out later this week, for that matter, barring any new problems. The breedable plants not only count as self-replicating food sources that constantly generate more resources (to be perfectly honest, you shouldn't ever have any food-problems once you have these), but have sizes, radiances, types, and mutations just like the pets have. Anyone can have a tulip...why not strive for a colossal gleaming tulip raining sparkles, with a glass stem and rainbow petals =)
The breedable plants, you mentioned, will come in many different types and colors? Will the colors work sort of like our flutters do, will that work a bit like the colors of our butterflies? Will there be bonuses for the "pure" colors and whatnot?
They come in every color of the rainbow; literally a billion colors. They'll have the same bonuses towards the mutations of their offspring as the flutters and other Papillon pets have. Because they're single parents, the mutation chances are fairly high, similar to the will o' wisps. The color-breeding system is what adds most of the detail to the engine...trying to create a pure-colored pet that has the mutations you want can be an epic challenge that takes months, perhaps even years in some cases. The color that you get is based on the parent, but with enough random offset to where you never know exactly what you're going to get. A pure may or may not pass on its pure colors to its offspring, or create some bastard tone of the original.
Will there be a visual indication (size changes, etc) that our plants are growing? Or if they are wilting?
The plants will shift from their baby stage, to their adult stage, in roughly an hour. That's the only visible growth that would happen. We originally intended to make them slowly grow up, but...lag was an issue there. One plant isn't a problem, even a dozen plants isn't a problem, but as the evidence has shown....some people will have hundreds of plants. And hundreds of plants, all slowly growing, is a lot of shifting and moving prims. It would be impossible to control the lag from that many pets all trying to process their growth.
Everything that we do is aimed towards minimal lag, and we couldn't justify that kind of burden on the sim, given the sheer amount of plants that we can expect -some- people to have. That is a fairly isolated case, of course...most people will only have a few, maybe a dozen...but some of the more extreme Papillon patrons have as many as ten thousand prims worth of our products actively in use. And our highest-prim pet is only seven prims....that's a LOT of pets.
As to the actual sizes of the plants themselves...they vary vastly, with the Dwarfs little bigger than yoru boot, and the tallest Titanics towering over some avatar's heads. They all begin as tiny babies, but an hour later some of them will be large enough to sit on. Their size determines how long they take to reach full reproductive maturity, however; a tiny plant may be able to reproduce the next day, whereas a colossal orchid may take a couple of weeks before it's ready to give off seedlings.
Prim flowers and plants can get to a high prim count in a fairly short amount of time. Is there anything special you are doing to address that?
Well, just like the other pets, we aimed at minimum prim-usage. The breedable plants will be as few as 3-4 prims in some cases. The tulips and anthuriums (what will be out this week), will only be three prims each; a stem, petal, and alignment prim. The stem and petal both have mutations of their own, and the alignment prim handles most of the particle effects, creating a wide-range of possibilities.
Some of the other plants, orchids and bamboo and other high-prim plant-bases, will likely end up being 5-10 prims individually. Pretty requires prims, after all, and we definitely aim for pretty whenever possible =) We refuse to use temp-rezzers and other laggy systems that can cause sims to stutter. What you see is what you get, without any hidden mechanisms that may cause you trouble later.
Will our flutters interact in any special way with the plants, aside from using them as a food source? Will we be able to breed plants with any special bonuses? Or, perhaps will they interact in some visual way if the flutters are allowed movement in the vicinity of the plants?
Definitely. All of your existing pets not only benefit from the breedable plants, which function better than existing plants and provide unique bonuses to your pets, but also help to support the plants themselves. Soldiers cut away at weeds, workers and gardeners tend to the plants' growth and resources, priests and oracles help to restore damaged petals, etc. The ecosystem supports itself, and everything affects everything. The pets nibble on the plants, and the pets also help to restore the plants. With the right balance of pets and plants, the system fully supports itself without ever losing resources.
Aside from the will o' wisps, that have a visible trail going to what they're interacting with, there's very little visual interaction though. It all happens in the background, and most of it is area-of-affect bursts. A prince inspires the morale of all of the plants around it, not one by one individually. Again, given the sheer number of pets involved in some cases, there was no way to justify individual interactions or particles. Four hundred butterflies interacting with two hundred plants would be a visual nightmare far beyond the sheer number of pets on the screen.
If there is anything I may have missed that you would like to tell us about, I would love to hear it! And thank you again for taking the time to do this!
One nifty feature with regard to the plants, is the ability to change plant-types at any time. The system is designed so that the owner gets to choose what types of plants they want, even if they have been breeding some other type. For example, if you have tulips and later decide that you have roses, there's a simple system for converting your tulips into roses. They keep all of their individual traits and rarities, and simply become a different beautiful plant. This allows people to create any kind of garden that they want, and immediately switch over to new breedable plants as we create the base models for them.
There is no practical way for the breedable plants to die. Even the smallest plant will live 3-4 years, and even if ravaged of its resources...it'll grow back =) So you get to keep your pretty pets for a very, very, very long time. They don't use a standard system of timers to measure their mating cycles, and instead reproduce randomly within pre-defined parameters. You may get seedlings on a regular basis, or not at all for a while, as your garden conditions allow and as they themselves are willing to reproduce.
Depending on your garden's setup, there may or may not be hands-on work required with them. They generate weeds and require watering and pruning on a regular basis, but there are pet classes that do all of those jobs already. If you have a well-stocked garden butterflies or other papillon breedables, you may find that the entire system supports itself with no effort on your part...or you may find yourself having to weed on a daily basis.
T R E A T I N G - Y O U R - P E T S
The breedable veggies and fruits are able to use their seedlings as special treats for your pets. The nutritional value of the seedling is displayed in its hovertext. The main benefit from the treat is an increased chance of mutation that can exceed the base 20% cap, AND there is a small chance that the plant's mutations are added to the gene pool of your pets that nibble from it; obviously, only traits that they share in common are actually injected. The chance of the plant genetics passing to other pets on-treat is roughly equal to grandparent genetics, ~3.3%. It's a small percent, yes, but that's considerably better than nothing. And 3.3% spread over ten or twenty pets nibbling from the same treat results in a much higher chance of it being passed on.
Once nibbled from, the treat will vanish, meaning that the seedling will be consumed in the process.
Check out the Main Papillon Store for amazing breedables
Applicable Breedables
- Agave
- Alien Flower
- Anthurium
- Bird of Paradise
- Blossom
- Bonsai
- Calla Lilly
- Carrot
- Patch
- Crystal
- Crystal Cluster
- Daisy
- Fairy
- Fiddler
- Frond
- Glowshroom
- Magic Circle
- Melon
- Orchid
- Poppy
- Pumpkin
- Radish
- Rose
- Sand Dollar
- Shell
- Shroom - Double
- Shroom - Fairy
- Shroom - Single
- Snellit
- Strawberry
- Sunflower
- Tentacle Terror
- Tiger Lilly
- Tomato
- Tulip
- Eye Stalk