The base shell texture is affected by the mood of the shell with a different texture for each.
BODY Mutations
All of the base plant body mutations, plus (shell overlays):
NotesA, NotesB, RunesA, RunesB, SwirlA, SwirlB, CracksA, CracksB, CracksC, CracksD, TechA, TechB, TechC, TechD
SpeckledA, SpeckledB, SpeckledC, BlastedA, BlastedB
Speck* unlocks SpotsA through SpotsJ
Rune* unlocks CirclA through CircleR
Fall seasonal body mutations: BSakura
Halloween seasonal body mutations: Haunted, Bloody, Bats
SHELL Mutations
RainbowA through RainbowZ
PatternA through PatternZ
ShiftA through ShiftE
FadedA through Faded E
PearlA through PearlE
Ancient, Glass, Wooden, Chocolate, Dawn, Dusk, Sunset, Midnight
Pearl* unlocks StainedA through StainedG
Pattern* unlocks MarksA through MarkingsK
Rainbow* unlocks HueA through HueF and PrismA through PrismF
Glass unlocks Alabaster, Onyx, Obsidian, Emerald, Amethyst, Topaz, Ruby, Sapphire, Jade, Moonstone, Amber, Kyanite, Charoite, and Bloodstone
Fall seasonal shell mutations: SSakura
Halloween seasonal shell mutations: Halloween
Winter seasonal shell mutations: Icy
PARTICLE Mutations
All of the usual plant particle mutations, plus:
TribalA through TribalL
Ring, Forcefield, Aura, Stardrops, Glamour, DotsA, DotsB, DotsC, StarredA, StarredB
Spark* unlocks Apprentice, Mage, Warlock, Runes, Runed, Rings, Trinity, Runewords, Trinity, Ward, Mark, Runewords, Sigil, Sign
Mage or Warlock unlocks Enchanted, Circles, Pattern, and Formula
Enchanted or Circles unlocks Witch and Nether
Tribal* unlocks Voo and Doo; Voo or Doo can unlock Voodoo
Runewords unlocks Thaumaturgy, Arcanum, Glyph, and Emblem
Rune* unlocks Runii, Symbolii, and Circii
Runii, Symbolii, or Circii unlocks Runic
Mark unlocks Prophecy and Guardian
Witch unlocks Ritual
Nether unlocks Sealed
Trinity unlocks Hex
Ritual or Sealed unlocks Sorcery, Talisman, and Occult
Prophecy unlocks Prediction and Augury
Ward unlocks Shield
Barrier unlocks Guardian
Fall seasonal particle mutations: Sakura, and Leaves
Halloween seasonal particle mutations: Bats, Ghosts, and Blood
Winter seasonal particle mutations: Snowflakes, Twinkle