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{Papillon} Ember Information

E M B E R      I N F O R M A T I O N

Embers have a base Job/Task as designated by their Class.
Embers increase in Tier over time as they do their job.  With each Tier, there is a chance that the Ember
learns a new Job/Purpose.  It is possible for an Ember to learn up to six Purposes.  Once an Ember reaches
Fairytale Tier it can no longer gain any new Tiers, and thus can learn no new Purposes.  However, once an
Ember gains a Fairytale Rank (✬) it will unlock the Fairytale menu that grants it the option to 'Cleanse', which will
erase its purposes, reset it to Tier-1, and allow it to gain new, and possibly better Purposes.  Unlike many
other products that take a long time to tier-up, Embers go from Newborn to Fairytale within a few days.  As
a result, it is possible to re-roll an Ember every week until you get the Ember that you would really like 
without having to buy more Embers. 

The chance that an Ember may gain an additional Purpose through increasing its Tier is based on the bonuses
provided by your garden, similar to the mutation chance in the offspring of breedables.    The base chance of
gaining a Purpose when increasing in Tier is 5%, which is  increased by the presence of a Theurge, Alchemist,
and other sources of S+, Mutation%, and Full Mutation% such as Very Special Blossoms and similar accessories
to a maximum potential chance of 33% every time that the Ember increases in Tier.

When using Fairytale Crystals to inject an Ember with EXP, it is important to wait a few minutes after creating the
Ember so that it can gain the bonuses from your garden before dramatically increasing its Tier all at once, or
you risk increasing its Tier at a time when the %chance of gaining a Purpose is still low.


The Fairytale menu, available once an Ember gains Fairytale Tier and gains a Fairytale Rank (✬'s will appear
next to the Fairytale Tier), allows you to change your Ember's color, 'Cleanse' it of purposes so that it can
start anew, or entirely reset (Rebirth) your Ember so that it can gain a new Race, Subrace, and Class.  However, 
Rebirthing an Ember does not grant it a chance to gain new Traits or Mutations.  Only the Ember Queen can 
bestow an Ember with initial Traits and Mutations.  It does, however, maintain any existing Traits or Mutations 
that the Ember may have already had.

In addition, Fairytale Ranks can be spent to 'Crystalize' a Fairytale Crystal that holds the Fairytale Rank.  This
crystal can be sold, traded, or used to grant the Fairytale Rank back to an Ember or provide a huge boost
of experience to an Ember that isn't yet Fairytale Tier.  There are also 'Big Fairytale Crystals' and 'Huge
Fairytale Crystals' created by the Ember Queen that can store 3, or 5 Fairytale Ranks at a time.  An
Ember is limited to holding three Fairytale Ranks (or four with the Bonus trait); any excess Fairytale Ranks
transferred to an Ember are lost in the process.

Fairytale Crystals bestow a non-Fairytale ember with +7500 XP (enough for several Tiers)
Big Fairytale Crystals bestow a non-Fairytale ember with +25000 XP (enough to reach Fairytale Status)
Huge Fairytale Crystals bestow a non-Fairytale ember with +75000 XP (enough to Reach Fairytale✬✬✬ Status)

An Ember generates Fairytale Ranks at a rate of 1-2 per week after reaching Fairytale Tier, assuming it 
is exposed to a source of light and energy, and is able to continue performing its Job.  

Embers increase in size as they gain Tiers, more than doubling in size when they reach Fairytale Tier.
The Embers gain a "lantern", or swirling orb, for every Tier after 1st for a total of six swirling orbs by
the time they have reached Fairytale.  An Ember with the Giant Trait ends up being twice as large as
other Embers by the time it reaches Fairytale status.

The Fairytale menu also allows you to 'Absorb' the color of a second Ember for three Fairytale Ranks. Both
the receiving, and absorbed Ember must have three Fairytale Ranks.  All six of the total Fairytale Ranks are
absorbed in the process.  Once complete, both Embers will share the color of the absorbed Ember.


The Fairytale menu can also be used to sacrifice/convert unwanted/excess Embers into tokens that the Ember
Queen will use to increase the chances of future Embers receiving Traits and Particle Mutations.   The Ember
Queen will convert a random number of stored Tokens (anywhere from 0 to 10 Tokens at a time) to add up
to a 20% additional chance (+2% per Token) for a Trait or Mutation.


All Embers perform the following duties in addition to their designated purposes:

    Collect Food from your garden to Feed your Fishies
    Purify/Clean the Moon Pools
    Weed and Spread Pollen to your Plants
An Ember can also accept Magic from Snails, acting as a Dummy Portal until the real Fairy Portals are
finished.  This option can be toggled off in their settings.  Magic gained from Snails is added to the
energy gained from Light and other Energy Sources.  There is a hard-cap on how often an Ember
can benefit from Light, Energy, or Snail Magic.  There's no reason to surround them with fifty motes
of light in hope of it leaping up in Tiers =P

Likewise, Embers can receive bonus energy from Hermits, however, unlike other pets the Embers
are hard-capped on how often they can can benefit from Hermits.  They can assist any number of
Hermits, but can only receive bonus XP from them once per half-hour.

E M B E R      R A C E S
An Ember's Racial Type grants a bonus to a specific aspect of an Ember's purposes.  An Ember receives a
+1 Tier bonus when performing a task that they are adept at.  For example, a Cherub is particularly good
at helping pets mate faster, resulting in a +1 Tier bonus to its Caretaker purposes and allows it to pick an
occasional pet to Dream, as per a Dreamer.

An Ember's Racial Type determines the particle-texture of the Ember's's outermost rings.

    Seraphs are adept at generating loyalty.
    Deva are adept at generating morale.
    Archons are adept at defending the garden from threats.
    Angels are adept at generating light.
    Spirits are adept at tending to the garden's needs.
    Aeon are adept at generating energy.
    Cherubs are adept at fostering reproduction.
    Celestials are adept at maintaining order.
    Heralds are adept at bolstering prosperity.


E M B E R       T Y P E S
Each racial subtype affects the rate at which the Ember's Class demonstrates their primary purpose.  The
exact extent of the affected rate is displayed near the bottom of this document in the TECHNICAL INFORMATION

An Ember's Racial Subtype determines the particle-texture of the Ember's innermost rings.

    Divine races promote loyalty.
    Consecrated races promote morale.
    Righteous races promote defense.
    Sanctified races promote light generation.
    Blessed races promote energy generation.
    Hallowed races promote a healthy garden.
    Zealous races promote reproductive efficiency.
    Ordained races promote order.
    Ardent races promote prosperity.


E M B E R       C L A S S E S
An Ember's class determines the Ember's primary purpose and chooses what specialized Job the Ember is best 
at performing.  There are seven purposes that an Ember can have, as displayed below.  In addition to the basic
purpose, each Ember has a specialized class purpose that goes along with their Class.  For example, a Sentinel
also possesses all of the powers and benefits of a Saint-Class butterfly in addition to any other purposes that
the Ember may gain as it increases in tier.

An Ember's Class determines the particle-texture of the swirling/flickering inner rings.

    Guardians are best at ensuring loyalty [+Witch]
    Champions are best at raising morale [+Wizard]
    Defenders are best at beating up spiders and other threats [+Paladin]
    Sentinels are best at producing energy [+Conjurer; also generates Moon Pool energy]
    Wardens are best at  producing light [+Saint]
    Conservators are best at tending to the garden's needs [+Golem]
    Companions are best at improving your garden's mating and reproductive speeds [+Caretaker and Dreamer]
    Seekers are best at maintaining order and ensuring the steady flow of work [+Assassin]
    Curators are best at enhancing longevity and creating mutations within other pets [+Mystic]


T E C H N I C A L    I N F O R M A T I O N

Embers have seven Tiers: Newborn -> Young -> Adolescent -> Adult -> Elder -> Ancient -> Fairytale

An Ember gains experience towards these tiers as they do their job, but they also gain bonus XP towards tiers
when they assist a hermit (at most once per half-hour).  They also gain XP towards tiers by absorbing light and
energy from your garden (at most once per minute).  In addition, the amount of EXP gained over time is
increased by the presence of a Moon Pool or Bonsai; the tier of the Moon Pool or Bonsai does not affect
this bonus growth.

An Ember can receive Fairy/Snail magic instead of a Fairy Portal (which means that you can pick up the ugly
Dummy Portals so long as your Ember is within 50 meters of your Snails).  The magic infuses into them much
like moon pool energy and helps them grow to higher Tiers and Fairytale Ranks faster.

A "☼" will appear in the Ember's green status bar when it is gaining energy from a light source.
A "✩" will appear in the Ember's green status bar when it is gaining energy from an energy source.
A "❖" will appear in the Ember's green status bar when it is gaining energy from a bonsai.
A "☾" will appear in the Ember's green status bar when it is gaining energy from a moon pool.
A "☿" will appear in the Ember's green status bar when it is gaining energy from an Alchemist.
A "☽" will appear in the Ember's green status bar when it is gaining energy from a Theurge.

It is possible for the bonuses to Ember energy to come and go due to the random nature of the distribution
of bonuses in a garden.  Over time the status icons will disappear, but they should reappear within a few
minutes.  An Ember can only benefit from certain bonuses every minute or every hour.  As a result, it is not
important for the status icons to always be visible, so long as the Ember is receiving the benefit every so

Embers remember what candy you give out to your garden and share more candy at a random time later in the day.
They give out the candy at +1 greater than the candy's own value, adding a tiny bit of their magic to the bonus.  An
Ember cannot hear another Ember's bonus candy, so it can't stack in some odd way, with candy daisy-chaining from
Ember to Ember.

A "✺" will appear in the Ember's green status bar when it is holding onto some candy to give away later.


An Ember's base chance to perform their duties is on a randomized chance equal to (20 - (TIER * 2))
For example, a Tier-7 Fairytale Ember has a (20-14), or 1:6 chance to perform their job every 10 seconds.  Or about once a minute.
This base chance is modified by -1 if it is the Ember's subrace's specialty, and an additional -1 if it has the Diligent Trait.


Tier-1 and Tier-2 Embers affect a 10-meter Burst (20-Meter Sphere)
Tier-3 and Tier-4 Embers affect a 20-meter Burst (40-Meter Sphere)
Tier-5 ,Tier-6, and Tier-7 Embers affect a 50-meter Burst (100-Meter Sphere)

Embers with the Grand Trait affect a Sim-wide area once they reach Tier-7 (Fairytale) status.


An Ember's Purpose, which it may have up to six of, determines what jobs if performs minute-to-minute:

    "Ensure Loyalty" creates an incredible source of L+ Bonus
    "Raise Morale" creates an incredibly source of M+ Bonus
    "Defend the Garden" beats up spiders and assists with future Snail/Portal efforts.
    "Produce Light" creates a light source for your plants.
    "Produce Energy" generates energy for your wisps.
    "Tend the Garden" weeds and waters your plants.
    "Mating Speed" increases the reproductive speed of pets and plants.
    "Maintain Order" artificially increases the Tier of your pets to enhance their other functions.
    "Promote Prosperity" enhances longevity and promotes mutations and provides a basic source of L+ and M+
If the Purpose is also the Ember's primary purpose, as chosen by their Class, then the Ember also performs
all of the duties of an advanced butterfly class:

    Guardians [Witch]
    Champions [Wizard]
    Defenders [Paladin]
    Sentinels [Conjurer; also generates Moon Pool energy]
    Wardens [Saint]
    Conservators [Golem]
    Companions [Caretaker and Dreamer]
    Seekers [Assassin]
    Curators [Mystic]

The Diligent Ember Trait increases the rate at which an Ember performs its Purposes by ~10%.
The Helpful Ember Trait increases the Tier at which an Ember performs its Purposes by +1.
The Magical Ember Trait increases the energy that an Ember receives from Light, Energy, and Snail Magic by 33%.
The Colorful Ember Trait causes any Particle Mutations that the Ember has to appear in rainbow colors.
The Bonus Ember Trait increases an Ember's maximum Fairytale Rank capacity by +1.
The Giant Ember Trait doubles the size gained by an Ember as it increases in Tiers.
The Empowered Ember Trait increases the minimum Tier performance of all Purposes to Tier-8 (instead of Tier-4).
The Stocked Ember Trait gives a 50% chance for an Ember to keep its candy when giving it away.
The Bright Ember Trait increases the color vectors of an Ember by a random amount to make more vivid colors.


Embers operate on a 10-second timer.  They do not perform any task second-to-second and they have a hard-sleep
of 1.0 seconds on any message that they send to your sim, meaning that a single Ember hopefully cannot directly lag
anything even if it tried to.

My Ember feels like it is lagging.  What's the deal?
Well, I intentionally built some llSleep()'s into the Embers to prevent their functions from lagging the sim.  A lot of the time if there is some delay in a click bringing up the blue menu or something similar to that it is just the Sleep() making sure that the Ember doesn't cause any kind of problem.  They do a LOT of functions and have several purposes.  As a result, I had to make sure that it didn't slam the sim with message after message while it performs its duties.

All of that having been said -- the Embers really do a lot.  If you have a lot of them out...don't be surprised if my efforts to curtail the lag are all in vain =P

There is a "Work" and "Don't Work" blue menu option that will prevent the Ember from performing its Purposes.  This can be turned on or off to reduce the
lag from extra embers that are only being kept to generate Fairytale Crystals.  Toggling this option on or off does not affect the rate of EXP/Fairytale 
Crystal generation in any way -- they still receive the EXP as if they performed their duties.  The Ember will still weed your plants and clean your 
moon pool even while their Purposes are disabled, and the Ember will continue to give away any candy that it may discover.

Using "Don't Work", "Hide Orbs", and "Deny Move" together will reduce the Ember's sim resource usage to the same as any other Papillon pet and
allow more of them on a sim at a time.


There can be a slightly odd offset of particles/text until an Ember reaches Fairytale status.  SecondLife, for some reason, renders particles differently based on the size of a prim.  I have no idea why, it just does.  So as the Ember grows up through its first few ranks, the prims will not be quite identically sized yet due to some lanterns being visible and some hidden.  It will all line up properly again once the Ember reaches a higher tier.  Until then, the little circles may not quiiiiite exactly fit inside of the other circles exactly how I wanted them to.  It annoyed the hell out of me, but it just wouldn't play nice.


T H E     E M B E R      Q U E E N

The Ember Queen is the distribution and update system for the Embers.  She is capable of storing Fairytale magic
gained from Fairytale Crystals.  An Ember Queen can store up to 10 Fairytale Ranks at a time.  Once an Ember Queen
has access to three Fairytale Ranks, she is able to create a new Ember with a chance of passing on special traits
and mutations to the Ember in the process.

In addition, she is able to create Big Fairytale Crystals for three Fairytale Ranks that passes along 25000 EP to an
Ember, immediately bringing it up to Fairytale Status and bestowing it with all appropriate bonuses of that rank,
including new Purposes that can be randomly unlocked in the process.  The Ember Queen can also create Huge
Fairytale Crystals for five Fairytale Ranks that can immediately bring an Ember to Fairytale✬✬✬ status.

The Ember Queen is also responsible for giving mass-commands to your Embers.  Her "Command" menu projects
her will to all of the Embers on her sim.

The Ember Queen can use its Update function to update your Embers, but for the most part there is no reason to update
individual Embers.  New mutations/traits originate from the Ember Queen herself, and are passed directly to the Ember
when it is originally created.  As a result, there is no reason to update an Ember unless there is a functional glitch or
major improvement that needs to be implemented.

If Auto-Update is Enabled on your Ember Queen, she will also update any Embers that you have out up to her current
version.  This happens once per minute and will gradually bring your pets up-to-date with the current version.  Updated
Embers will hover over her until they are ordered to return to their Home locations, which the update will preserve.

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