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2021 Christmas Gift (available December 24, 2021) from the main sim.

Along with the usual v18 mutations, the following also exist for the Delphiniums..



BAlienA through BAlienD
BRainbowA thrugh BRainbowZ
BColorfulA through BColorfulH


The Cattail Reeds possess all of the usual v18 body and particle traits, along with the standard v18 sizes and radiances.


Reed Sizes:

Baby -> Pygmy -> Dwarf -> Diminutive -> Tiny -> Small -> Medium -> Large -> Giant ->
Enormous -> Grandiose -> Colossal -> Titanic

Dwarf can unlock Pygmy!
Titanic can unlock Mondo!
Mondo can unlock Gargantuan!


Tentacle Terror

Tentacle Terrors are visibly different based on mood.  Mood affects their tentacle stalk texturing.  Each Tentacle Terror also has a tentacle pattern rating, with a different setting for each of the six tenta


Radishes are visibly different based on mood.  Mood affects initial size and scale (some radishes are plumper than others), and it affects their base leaf textures.  Mood also affects the texture of the radish's magical circles if they possess one of the body mutations that makes a magical circle appear under them.


The fronds have been updated to include all of the usual v18 Body/Particle traits and veggy quality of life changes.

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