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{Papillon} Sunflower v18 Update (November 11, 2022)

The sunflowers got all of the usual v18 particles and updates, as well as over a hundred new mutations, access to Mondo and Gargantuan sizes, and Shining and Sparkling radiances.  I also shaved off a prim or two by using half-prim mesh where I could.


B O D Y   /   L E A F     M U T A T I O N S    (60 new mutations)

BRainbowA through BRainbowZ
BGold, BSilver, BSteel, BHueA to BHueC, 
BGlass, BShiny, BTinted, BDark, BDarker (all tinted)

BHueA to BHueC can unlock BAlienA to BAlienE
BRainbow* can unlock BPearlA to BPearlC
Gemstone* can unlock BRuby, BSapphire, BEmerald, BTopaz, BAmethyst, BBloostone, BCharoite, BMoonstone, BAmber, BJade, BOnyx, BObsidian and BAlabaster


F L O W E R     M U T A T I O N S    (47 new mutations)

RainbowQ through RainbowZ
RainbowAA through RainbowAQ
Charoite, Bloodstone, Obsidian
Sky, Forest, Ocean, Fiery, Earth, Candy, Lavender, Silver, Gold, Steel
FadedA, FadedB, Mercury, Oily, FloweryA, Brighter, Dark, Darker (all tinted)


P A R T I C L E     M U T A T I O N S    (26 new mutations)

Tribal* can unlock RibalA through RibalL
Runic* can unlock EnrunedA through EnrunedG
Enruned* can unlock GlyphedA to GlyphedG