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The Starfish possess most of the usual v18 plant qualities and particle effects.  They have their base texture shading chosen by their mood, and a circle texture that progresses like any other trait from Type-A to Type-Z.  


Starfish Sizes:

Baby -> Pygmy -> Dwarf -> Diminutive -> Tiny -> Small -> Medium -> Large -> Giant -> 
Enormous -> Grandiose -> Colossal -> Titanic

Dwarf can unlock Pygmy!
Titanic can unlock Mondo!
Mondo can unlock Gargantuan!


Starfish Radiance:

Normal -> Dull -> Pale -> Soft -> Strong -> Bright -> Intense -> Radiant -> Dazzling -> Luminous

Luminous can unlock Shining!
Shining can unlock Sparkling!


S T A R F I S H     M U T A T I O N S    (Body, 142 Mutations)

RainbowA to RainbowZ, RainbowAA to RainbowAO
ShimmerA to ShimmerE
VividA to VividD
PastelA to PastelC
PaleA to PaleD            
PearlA to PearlC
HueA to HueD
AlienA to AlienD
PatternA to PatternL
GlitterA and GlitterB
Inverted, Dark, Darker, Brighter ,Silver, Gold, Steel, Glass
Fiery, Earth, Forest, Lavender, Ocean, Candy, Sky
Sunset, Dawn, Dusk, Midnight, Magical

Hue* can unlock SpectrumA to SpectrumK
Rainbow* can unlock PrismA to PrismD and BurstA to BurstC
Magical* can unlock MysticA to MysticL
Glass can unlock Amethyst, Emerald, Ruby, Sapphire, Topaz, Bloodstone, Charoite, Jade, Moonstone, Amber, Onyx, Obsidian, and Alabaster

Icy is unlocked throughout December/January


C I R C L E    M U T A T I O N S    (Wing, 72 Mutations)

CircleA through CircleZ, CircleAA to CircleAZ (Outer rainbowy circles)
PatternA to PatternH
CelticA to CelticH

SnowyA to SnowyF are unlocked throughout December/January


P  A R T I C L E     M U T A T I O N S

Tribal* can unlock RibalA through RibalL
Runic* can unlock EnrunedA through EnrunedG
Enruned* can unlock GlyphedA to GlyphedG

Snowy and Snowflakes are unlocked throughout December/January