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The fronds have been updated to include all of the usual v18 Body/Particle traits and veggy quality of life changes.

In addition, the following leaf mutations have been added to the general list:
    RainbowI through RainbowR
    SplitA through SplitE
    HueA through HueH
    Glass, Tinted, Light, Dark
    Obsidian, Alabaster, Amber, Bloodstone, Charoite, Jade, Golden, Silver
Rainbow* can unlock: StainedA through StainedD
Stain* can unlock PrismA through PrismG
Split* can unlock VividA through VividE
Vivid* can unlock ColorfulA through ColorfulG
Exotic* can unlock AlienA through AlienH

HalloweenA and HalloweenB will be available throughout the Halloween season.
Frozen will be available throughout the Winter season.