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The Cattail Reeds possess all of the usual v18 body and particle traits, along with the standard v18 sizes and radiances.


Reed Sizes:

Baby -> Pygmy -> Dwarf -> Diminutive -> Tiny -> Small -> Medium -> Large -> Giant ->
Enormous -> Grandiose -> Colossal -> Titanic

Dwarf can unlock Pygmy!
Titanic can unlock Mondo!
Mondo can unlock Gargantuan!


The radiance of radishes has been rebalanced and the steady increase has been leveled out to support the two new plant radiances.
Reed Radiances:

Normal -> Dull -> Pale -> Soft -> Strong -> Bright -> Intense -> Radiant -> Dazzling -> Luminous

Luminous can unlock Shining!
Shining can unlock Sparkling!


Body/Pod Mutations:

Eternal, Energized, Delicious, Healthy, Monster
BBright, BDark, BNatural, BGlass, BGlossy
BBubblegum, BCottonCandy, BTaffy,
Aconite, Belladonna, Iris, Pepper, Mint, Delphinium, Chrysanthemum, Leonotis

BSakura, BHalloweenA and BHalloweenB are available during the Halloween season
BFrozen is available during the Winter season

Energized can unlock Lunar and Solar!
Delicious can unlock Healthy!
20%+ can unlock Monster and Perfect!
Eternal can unlock Bountiful and Enchanted (tinted magic circle)!
Enchanted can unlock Magical!
Magical can unlock Ensorcelled (rainbow magic circle)!
Ensorcelled can unlock Bewitched (double-rainbow circle)!
Bewitched can unlock Eerie (double rainbow circle and rainbowy leaves)!
Bountiful can unlock Plentiful and Lavish!
Monster can unlock Behemoth!
Behemoth can unlock Titan!


SPECIAL:  As a bit of a challenge, the first person to collect all eight pod shades (Aconite, Belladonna, Iris, Delphinium, Chrysanthemum, Leonotis, Pepper, Mint), will get a unique cattail that you can help design =)  Simply contact Butterfly Bellflower once you have all eight mutations to have them verified.


In addition, the following general Leaf mutations are available:
    RainbowA through RainbowZ, RainbowAA through RainbowAE
    Ruby, Topaz, Sapphire, Emerald, Amethyst, Jade, Moonstone, Bloodstone, Charoite
    Onyx, Obsidian, Alabaster, Shimmer, Dead, StoneA, StoneB, PrintA, PrintB, Glass
    SpottedA through SpottedD
    ColorA through ColorG
    LightA, LightB, LightC, DarkA, DarkB, DarkC
    Dawn, Dusk, Sunset, Midnight, Earth, Fire, Ocean, Sky, Forest
Rainbow* can unlock PatternA through PatternN
Spotted* can unlock DottedA and DottedB
Stone* can unlock MarbleA through MarbleD
Color* can unlock PastelA through PastelE
Shimmer can unlock FoilA through FoilD

LSakura, HalloweenA through HalloweenD are available during the Halloween season
Frozen is available during the Winter season